
I have updated the Video section. Please, take a look and get ready for a tour of some of the world’s most beautiful cities.

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The river Thames


After 272 km (or 323 or even 346), the Thames flows into the North Sea east of London.

Click on the photo below to read more about it, its past and present importance for the British capital city. You will also find plenty of information (in Italian!) about London, what to do and see, where to stay and so on.



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Happy Birthday

Today, April 21, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 87th birthday.



The official celebration, though, wil take place in June- this year on June 15- with the ceremony known as Trooping the Colour.

Why not today, you may ask? Well, for a very simple reason: any day in June promises to be a summer day, and knowing what the English weather is usually like, we can understand why it is held in June.

(click on the image to read more)

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2G students: info

Chapter 2 of The Hunger Games is ready, here


P.S. You remember the password, don’t you? 😉

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How far is it to Mars? A motion-infographic


Take a look at this animated, interactive infographic website that shows the viewer the scale of the distance to the Moon and to Mars as measured in pixels.

earth to MarsClick on the image and then on the arrow.

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What is a LiveBinder? It is a virtual tool to help you organize whatever you would put in a 3-ring binder, like web-pages, PDFs, images, videos, text. What’s more, you can share it online.

For example, I have collected information and websites on Infographics in this Livebinder


LiveBinder created here.

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Have you ever heard the word InfoWhelm, where Whelm means “sommergere, sopraffare” (as in “to overwhelm”)? It is what happens today with the Internet:

We are bombarded with torrents of  of information in everywhere we turn  and the thing is most of this information is just junk […]

A solution is  information literacy/fluency

to be information literate, a student must  be able to recognize when information is needed, and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information .

(from here).

Watch this video about InfoWhelm:!

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How APPLE are you?

A (funny) Infographics test to see if you are a true Apple fan.

apple test2

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Animated Gifs

A series of animated Gifs to explain how things work.

But first, one of the most famous Gifs:

Rotating earth (large).gif

More here

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I have updated the wiki section with the following wiki project:


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